originally posted 11/29/11
Chinese security forces show their stuff at the Beijing Olympics This picture made me think scary thoughts... like... What's inside the USOC building that's for sale out there on Banning Lewis Ranch? What if it's a bunch of Segways? Think about all of the FTZ's in Colorado Springs, and think about it: An organized Segway force would have us surrounded in no time... |
China FTZ Conspiracy Theory -
Government contact info included
What could they be? Where could they be? Overseas?
Nope. They’re here. They’re everywhere. They’re in all fifty states. My state, Idaho, has at least one, up in Boundary County, and a really big one is reportedly being set up right now, near Boise. 30,000 acres. The land inside these foreign trade zones is no longer American land. It’s sovereign foreign territory.
I called the Boundary County Commissioner’s office up north to get some official version, because a commissioner there named Ronald Smith is the contact man for FTZ 242. The reader can do the same thing in his or her FTZ.
Most of the top Fortune 100 companies are in these zones, even though they’re “American.”
Here’s some Ray Bradbury-style material from FTZ 9, in Hawaii:
Really, it’s like something out of FARENHEIT 451.
Here’s the information many of us received yesterday, edited somewhat:
”This is an urgent message! Read this and spread the word! Subject: Foreign Trade Zones. This is unbelievable at first, but you will soon realize that there are several motives for the global communists to physically weave our United States territory together with communist China.
Read On! Here’s what is going on!
Each and every one of our state governors has approved and allocated a certain amount of acres of their U.S. state land to be inhabited by Chinese communists –communists straight from China! They are to set up little towns and live here, supposedly for the purpose of producing Chinese products for sale in the U.S.A. The land the states are giving them for their little towns will be considered “foreign territory”!!! We are told that the laws of the state (in which these Chinese communists dwell) will apply to the communist Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). Comment: If so, why are they allowed in here!??! Isn’t the whole set up unlawful??? There are 257 of these little communist towns to be built all over the United States. Go to this website and see the list of the states, and how many FTZ’s are to be erected in each and every state! Our nation is being peppered all over with these communist closed towns called “zones”! This insane brainstorm by Washington, D.C. officials was just recently discovered by alert citizens in the State of Idaho, where an FTZ is being built there, just south of Boise, Idaho, possibly 30,000 acres of Idaho is going to be used for that FTZ.
When you get to this website, be prepared by having enough paper to print 40 pages, listing all the FTZ’s to be built over the whole United States! 257 of these FTZ’s! It is absolute insanity!! How gullible are we??? The excuse given for creating communist towns all over our nation is that these Chinese people will produce products for sale in the United States, and the FTZ will eliminate overseas shipping costs of the products they create! A bizarre excuse!!! Can’t we manufacture our own products anymore with American workers? How foolish are we to allow this??? Remember the hard-learned lesson taught to gullible people back in ancient times, when the Trojan Horse was built and they pulled it past their protective gates??? Do we Americans look THAT STUPID to the Chinese and to our Washington,D.C. leaders???
It will not mean jobs for Americans. All the help will be Chinese! Besides, it is to be classed as “foreign territory”, remember! You won’t know what is really going on inside the enclave. Is there any danger for Americans to allow this? What do you think?”
The reader may have noticed that the things I write about usually have to do with some sort of revisionist history. My usual purpose is to put a different slant on what happened to justify the drastic sort of action I’m known for advocating. I generally don’t write about really current things because I’m kind of a slow learner and I want to try to understand what actually happened before I comment on it, especially if I’m suggesting drastic action because of it. For example, Gordon Duff was able to look at Wiki-leaks and identify it as an intelligence deception back in October, which still amazes me. If it weren’t for his provocative and extremely accurate warnings, I would still be in the dark.
But this Foreign Trade Zone business is so bad that even I can comment it without having to think about it too much. I don’t claim yet to understand it but there’s no denying it exists. Just do a search on Foreign Trade Zones and see what you get. I’m not sure about the Chinese part.
Now, not to be hypocritical, but this is kind of what I was trying to do back in ’71, when I was sent to British Honduras, South Africa and Rhodesia, to set up a trade zone that was exempt from taxes. The idea was to bring productive people to the new country, a free port, who would improve people’s lives through trade and increased employment and allow Americans and others to escape the punitive taxation that was robbing them blind and putting them out of business.
This thing, however, is different. What they admit to is that corporations producing whatever they produce can manufacture and export products tax-free, but if the products made in the FTZs are sold in the US, taxes are paid! By us! It’s like a reverse tariff! Americans are punished for being Americans but foreigners get a free ride. And “American” corporations get a free ride. This article claims that all the workers in the FTZs are going to be Chinese, which I find hard to believe. That remains to be seen, and I will find out from Mr. Smith up north about that.
One thing is pretty clear from all the official literature online and that is the FTZs are autonomous territories, exempt from CBP, which is Customs and Border Protection. That means they’ve got their own police forces, their own laws. If foreigners ARE brought in to do the work, no matter where they’re from, these FTZs will become, sooner or later, swollen with low-paid workers from who knows where, resembling the maquiladora factories along the Mexican border. Here’s what that means:
A maquiladora or maquila is a concept often referred to an operation that involves manufacturing in a country that is not the client’s and as such has an interesting duty or tariff treatment. It normally requires a factory, that may import materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis for assembly or manufacturing and then “re-exports” the assembled or manufactured product, sometimes back to the originating country. A maquila is also referred to as a “twin plant”, or “in-bond” industry. The principal examples of this sort of operation occur in Latin America, but also occurs in other countries in the world, that have adequate legislation. Currently about 1.3 million Mexicans are employed in maquiladoras.
A maquiladora is an FTZ. So that’s what this is, 257 maquiladoras in all fifty states. They’re designed to make the corporation a lot of money by employing poor people and keeping them poor. Kind of like Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is Red China’s main outlet for slave-made goods.
The purpose of World War II in the Pacific, it turns out, was exactly what we have today. The Council on Foreign Relations wanted Mao Tse-Tung to become the leader of China. Japan interfered with this plan by invading and occupying Manchuria in the 1930s, and by occupying much of China itself. So Japan had to be destroyed and prevented from ever interfering with the Rothschild/Rockefeller plan to communize China and turn it into the perfect industrial slave state.
The CFR supported the anti-Communist Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek through the war, but kept demanding that Chiang join forces with his deadly enemies, the Communists. At war’s end, Chiang’s forces were disarmed by George Marshall and all the captured Japanese weapons were given to the Communists. Defenseless against the heavily armed Reds, the Nationalists were forced out of China to the island of Formosa, which became Taiwan.
On the mainland, the Communists, agents of the Council on Foreign Relations, began slaughtering their own people, people whom Communists called landlords, exploiters and whom we would call “middle-class.” People who had gone to school beyond the 2nd grade. The US Congress reported in 1964 that Mao Tse-Tung had murdered 64,000,000 Chinese. The survivors were mind-controlled zombies, paralyzed by twenty years of state terror. Eight years later, the CFR sent its agent, President Richard Nixon, to Beijing to toast Mao Tse-Tung and signal US corporations that it was time to begin the transfer of American industry to China.
Wal-Mart is the end product of America’s war in the Pacific and the CFR’s population reduction program in China.
Anyway, here’s what I’ve discovered about our own FTZ 242, which again, is located up on the Canadian border around Eastport, Idaho. However, FTZ 242 is spreading out! As you can see in this website
There is Order No. 1640…
Order No. 1640, August 5, 2009 (Docket 53-2008)
Approved, with restrictions, the application of Boundary County, Idaho, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 242, to establish Subzone 242A at the manufacturing facility of Hoku Materials, Inc. in Pocatello, Idaho. Signed by Ronald K. Lorentzen, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, Alternate Chairman of the Board (74 F.R. 41382; August 17, 2009).
That is, there’s a new Hoku factory in Pocatello, down here in the southern part of the state, that manufactures polysilicon for use in solar panels. This polysilicon is mined here and manufactured here but shipped to China for the manufacture of solar panels to be sold through Hoku in Hawaii. Hoku is owned by Baoding Tianwei Group in China.
So, even though the Foreign Trade Zone 242 is way up north on the Canadian line, this polysilicon factory here in Pocatello is ALSO Foreign Trade Sub-Zone 242A, also considered foreign, sovereign territory. The material is, again, sent out of the country for the profit of the Communist Party of China .
Mr. Smith has not returned my calls to his office in Boundary County but I did get some preliminary information from his office staff, who say they do not know how big FTZ 242 is but that nothing much is going on up there. No, what’s going on is happening down here in Subzone 242A, at the Hoku plant in Pocatello, for now.
And this is just one of 257 FTZs in this country.
It has been reported for years that the Chinese Army has a plan to wipe out Americans and bring Chinese soldiers and slave workers to this country and take it over. Nothing we’re now seeing with these outrageous Foreign Trade Zones makes me think that this “wild rumor” is so wild. I can’t say that the report yesterday that prompted this hasty investigation is true with regard to all FTZs being Chinese. But the one here in Idaho definitely is.

FTZ No. 82 Mobile
Grantee: City of Mobile
Operator: Mobile Airport Authority
2062 Old Shell Road, Mobile, AL 36607
Greg Jones (251) 471-6725
Fax (251) 471-6727
82A Atlantic Marine Alabama, LLC
82B Evonik Degussa Corp.
82D Sony Electronics Inc.
82E Syngenta Crop Protection
82F Trigeant EP, Ltd.
82G Shell Chemical LP
82H Austal
82I ThyssenKrupp Steel & Stainless USA Mobile
FTZ No. 83 Huntsville
Grantee/Operator: Huntsville-Madison County Airport Authority/Huntsville FTZ Corp.
P.O. Box 6241, Huntsville, AL 35824-0241
Craig Pool (256) 772-3105
Fax (256) 772-3106 83A DaimlerChrysler Huntsville
FTZ No. 98 Birmingham
Grantee: City of Birmingham
Office of Economic Development, Third Floor
710 20th St North, Birmingham, AL 35203
Keith Strother (205) 254-2799
Fax (205) 254-7741 98A Mercedes-Benz
98B ZF Industries
98C JVC America
98D NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc. Birmingham
FTZ No. 222 Montgomery
Grantee: Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 79
Montgomery, AL 36101
Ellen McNair (334) 240-9433
Fax (334) 265-4745
Greg Jones (251) 471-6725
Fax (251) 471-6727 222A Hyundai Motor
222B Quantegy, Inc. Birmingham
FTZ No. 233 Dothan
Grantee: Dothan-Houston County Foreign-
Trade Zone, Inc.
102 Jamestown Blvd. P.O. Box 638
Dothan, AL 36302
Matt Parker (334) 792-5138
Contact: Greg Jones (205) 772-3105 Fax (205) 772-3106 Panama City
FTZ No. 108 Valdez
Grantee: The City of Valdez, Alaska
P.O. Box 307, Valdez, AK 99686
Nancy Peterson (907) 835-4564
Fax (907) 835-4479 Valdez
FTZ No. 159 St. Paul
Grantee: City of St. Paul
P.O. Box 901, St. Paul Island, AK 99660-0901
Phyllis Swetzof (907) 546-2331
Fax (907) 546-3188
FTZ No. 160 Anchorage
Grantee: Port of Anchorage
2000 Anchorage Port Road
Anchorage, AK 99501
Edward Leon (907) 343-6200
Fax (907) 277-5636 160A Tesoro Alaska Anchorage
FTZ No. 195 Fairbanks
Grantee: Fairbanks Economic Development Corp.
301 Cushman St., Suite 301, Fairbanks, AK 99701
Jim Dodson (907) 452-2185
Fax (907) 451-9534 195A Flowline Alaska Fairbanks
FTZ No. 232 Kodiak
Grantee: Kodiak Island Borough
710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, AK 99615-6398
Art Isham (907) 561-3338 Kodiak
FTZ No. 60 Nogales
Grantee: Nogales-Santa Cruz County Economic Development Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 7227, Nogales, AZ 85628
Robert (Kip) Martin (520) 287-2110
Fax (520) 287-5201
rcm@nogaleslaw.com Nogales
FTZ No. 75 Phoenix
Grantee: City of Phoenix
Community & Economic Development Department
200 West Washington St., 20th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Denise Yanez (602) 256-4370
Fax (602) 495-5097
ASF Site List
75A Conair
75B Wal-Mart
75C Intel
75D ST Microelectronics
75E Abbott Laboratories
75G SUMCO Southwest Corp.
75H Microchip Technology
75I American Italian Pasta Company Phoenix
FTZ No. 139 Sierra Vista
Grantee: Sierra Vista Economic Development Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 2380, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
Bob Shepard (520) 458-6948
Fax (520) 678-6792
director@svedf.org Naco
FTZ No. 174 Pima County
Grantee: Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, Inc.
120 North Stone Ave., Suite 200
Tucson, AZ 85701
Dianne Janis (520) 243-1924
Fax (520) 243-1910
ASF Site List
174A Imation Corporation Tucson
FTZ No. 219 Yuma
Grantee: Greater Yuma Economic Development Corporation
170 West 16th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364
Andrea Bereznak (928) 782-7774
www.greateryuma.org 219B Gowan Company San Luis
FTZ No. 221 Mesa
Grantee: City of Mesa
Office of Economic Development
20 East Main Street, Suite 200
Mesa, AZ 85201
Scott Rigby (480) 644-2398
Fax (480) 644-3458
econdev.info@cityofmesa.org Phoenix
FTZ No. 277 Western Maricopa County
Grantee: Greater Maricopa Foreign Trade Zone, Inc.
14100 N. 83rd Avenue
Peoria, AZ 85381
Jack Lunsford (623) 435-0431
Fax (623) 435-0485 Phoenix
FTZ No. 14 Little Rock
Grantee: Arkansas Dept. of Industrial Development
Operator: Little Rock Port Authority
7500 Lindsey Road, Little Rock, AR 72206
Paul Latture (501) 490-1468
Fax (501) 490-1800
ASF Site List
14A Sanyo
14B Cedar Chemical
14D Lion Oil Co.
14E L'Oreal USA, Inc.
14F Husqvarna Outdoor Products, Inc.
14G Husqvarna Outdoor Products, Inc. Little Rock
FTZ No. 273 West Memphis
Grantee: City of West Memphis Public Facilities Board
205 South Redding, West Memphis, AR 72301
Ward Wimbish (870) 732-7500
Fax (870) 732-7504
FTZ No. 3 San Francisco
Grantee: San Francisco Port Commission
Pier 1, The Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94111
Peter Dailey (415) 274-0400
Fax (415) 274-0528
ASF Site List
3A Lilli Ann
3B Chevron
3C Tesoro Refining San Francisco
FTZ No. 18 San Jose
Grantee: City of San Jose
Office of Economic Development
San Jose City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara Street
San Jose, California 95113
Joseph Hedges (408) 535-8186
Fax (408) 292-6719
www.sjeconomy.com 18B NUMMI
18E Space Systems/Loral, Inc.
18F Lam Research Corp. San Jose
FTZ No. 50 Long Beach
Grantee: Board of Harbor Commissioners of the Port of Long Beach
P.O. Box 570, Long Beach, CA 90801-0570
Larry Ditchkus (562) 590-4162
Fax (562) 901-1739 50C National RV
50D Datatape, Inc.
50E Alps Manufacturing
50F Rauch Industries
50G Shell Oil Products
50H BP West Coast Products LLC
50I Valero Energy Corporation
50J Ricoh Electronics, Inc.
50K Eastman Kodak Company
50L Michelin North America, Inc. Los Angeles/ Long Beach
FTZ No. 56 Oakland
Grantee: City of Oakland Operator: Pacific American Warehousing & Trucking Co
9401 San Leandro St., Oakland, CA 94603
Linda Hothem (510) 568-8500
Fax (510) 568-4483
lchothem@pacamgroup.com 56A Mazda San Francisco
FTZ No. 143 West Sacramento
Grantee: Port of Sacramento
1110 West Capitol Avenue
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Mike Luken (916) 371-8000
Fax (916) 372-4802
www.portofsacramento.com 143A C. Ceronix
143B Hewlett-Packard
143C Gymboree Corporation
143D Grafil, Inc. San Francisco
FTZ No. 153 San Diego
Grantee: City of San Diego
202 “C” St., MS 4A, San Diego, CA 92101
Adrienne Turner (619) 236-6364
Fax (619) 533-3320
ATurner@sandiego.gov 153C DNP Electronics
153D Callaway Golf Company
153E National Steel & Shipbuilding Co. San Diego
FTZ No. 191 Palmdale
Grantee: City of Palmdale, Economic Development, 38250 North Sierra Highway, Palmdale, CA 93550
David Walter (661) 267-5125
Fax (661) 267-5155 Los Angeles/ Long Beach
FTZ No. 202 Los Angeles
Grantee: Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles
425 South Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Masa Morimoto (310) 732-3843
Fax (310) 547-4643 202A 3M
202B Chevron USA, Inc.
202C ConocoPhillips
202E Sony Electronics, Inc. Los Angeles/ Long Beach
FTZ No. 205 Port Hueneme
Grantee: Board of Harbor Commissioners, Oxnard Harbor District
Port of Hueneme, P.O. Box 608
333 Ponoma St., Port Hueneme, CA 93044
Will Berg (805) 488-3677
Fax (805) 488-2620 205A Imation Corporation Port Hueneme
FTZ No. 226 Merced, Madera & Fresno Counties
Grantee: Board of Supervisors of the County of Merced
2507 Heritage Drive, Atwater, CA 95301
Patty Hymiller (209) 385-7686
Fax (209) 383-4959
www.ftz226.co.merced.ca.us Fresno
FTZ No. 231 Stockton
Grantee: Port of Stockton
P.O. Box 2089, Stockton, CA 95201
Steve Escobar (209) 946-0246
Fax (209) 463-2362
sescobar@stocktonport.com 231A Medline Industries, Inc. San Francisco
FTZ No. 236 Palm Springs
Grantee: City of Palm Springs
3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Cathy Van Horn (760) 323-8175
Fax (760) 322-8325
cathy.vanhorn@palmspringsca.gov Palm Springs
FTZ No. 237 Santa Maria
Grantee: Santa Maria Public Airport District
3217 Terminal Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Gary Rice (805) 922-1726
Fax (805) 922-0677 San Luis
FTZ No. 243 Victorville
Grantee: City of Victorville
14343 Civic Dr., Victorville, CA 92392
Collette Hanna (760) 243-6324
www.victorvillecity.com 243A Black & Decker Corp. Victorville
FTZ No. 244 Riverside County
Grantee: March Joint Powers Authority
P.O. Box 7480, Moreno Valley, CA 92552
Lori M. Stone (951) 656-7000
Fax (951) 653-5558 244A Skechers USA, LLC Los Angeles/ Long Beach
FTZ No. 248 Eureka
Grantee: City of Eureka, California
Office of the City Manager
531 K Street, Eureka, CA 95501-1165
Marie Liscom (707) 441-4215
Fax (707) 441-4209 Eureka
FTZ No. 257 Imperial County
Grantee: County of Imperial
Department of Planning and Development Services
801 Main St., El Centro, CA 92243
Jurg Heuberger (760) 482-4236
Fax (760) 353-8338 Calexico
FTZ No. 276 Kern County
Grantee: County of Kern Department of Airports
3701 Wings Way, Suite 300
Bakersfield, CA 93308
Teresa Hitchcock (661) 391-1818
Fax (661) 391-1801 Meadows Field Airport
FTZ No. 112 Colorado Springs
Grantee: Colorado Springs Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
107 N. Nevada Avenue, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Lisa Bigelow (719) 385-5850
Fax (719) 385-5858 Denver
FTZ No. 123 Denver
Grantee: City and County of Denver
201 W Colfax, Dept 204, Denver, CO 80202
Abdul Sesay (720) 913-1532
Fax (720) 913-1800
www.milehigh.com 123A Storage Technology
123B Artesyn Technologies
123C Eastman Kodak Company
123D Carestream Health Inc. Denver
FTZ No. 71 Windsor Locks
Grantee: Economic and Industrial Development Commission of Windsor Locks
Town Office Building, 50 Church Street
P.O. Box L, Windsor Locks, CT 06096
Dan Carstens (860) 292-1292
Fax (860) 627-7619 Hartford
FTZ No. 76 Bridgeport
Grantee/Operator: Bridgeport Port Authority
330 Water Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Martha Klimas (203) 384-9777
Fax (203) 384-9686
mklimas@portofbridgeport.com Bridgeport
FTZ No. 162 New Haven
Grantee: Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce
900 Chapel St., 10th Floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Susan Godshall (203) 787-6735
162A Bayer Corporation New Haven
FTZ No. 208 New London
Grantee: New London Foreign Trade Zone Commission
111 Union Street, New London, CT 06320
Ned Hammond (860) 447-5203 208A Pfizer, Inc. New London
FTZ No. 99 Wilmington
Grantee/Operator: State of Delaware
Delaware Economic Development Office
99 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901
Gary Smith (302) 672-6817
Fax (302) 739-5749
gary.smith@state.de.us 99A J. Schoeneman, Inc.
99B DaimlerChrysler
99C GM
99D AstraZeneca
99E Delaware City Refining Company Wilmington
FTZ No. 25 Broward County
Grantee/Operator: Port Everglades Department of Broward County
1850 Eller Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Robert Jacob (954) 765-4620
Fax (954) 765-4628
rjacob@broward.org 25B CITGO Petroleum Corp.
25C Coastal Fuels Marketing
25D Motiva Enterprises
25E Chevron Products Company
25F South Florida Materials Corporation Port Everglades
FTZ No. 32 Miami
Grantee: Greater Miami Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., Omni International Complex
1601 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132-1260
Liane Ventura (305) 350-7700
Fax (305) 374-7156
lventura@miamichamber.com Miami
FTZ No. 42 Orlando
Grantee/Operator: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority
One Airport Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32827
Tim Shea (407) 825-3403 or
Dick Cunnion (407) 825-7337
Fax (407) 825-4580 42A Mitsubishi Power Systems Orlando
FTZ No. 64 Jacksonville
Grantee: Jacksonville Port Authority
P.O. Box 3005, 2831 Talleyrand Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32206-3005
Deborah Lofberg (904) 630-3072
Fax (904) 630-3066
www.jaxport.com 64A Atlantic Marine Jacksonville
FTZ No. 65 Panama City
Grantee/Operator: Panama City Port Authority
5321 West Hwy. 98, Panama City, FL 32401
Charles Lewis (850) 767-3244
Fax (850) 767-3235 65A Eastern Shipbuilding Group Panama City
FTZ No. 79 Tampa
Grantee: City of Tampa
c/o Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corp.
401 E. Jackson St., Tampa, FL 33602
Kathy Acevedo (813) 218-3304
Fax (813) 218-3804 79A Reilly Dairy & Food
79B Sypris Electronics LLC Tampa
FTZ No. 135 Palm Beach County
Grantee: Port of Palm Beach District
P.O. Box 9935, Riviera Beach, FL 33419
Jarra Kaczwara (561) 842-4201
Fax (561) 842-4240 West Palm Beach
FTZ No. 136 Brevard County
Grantee: Canaveral Port Authority
P.O. Box 267, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Robert Giangrisostomi (321) 783-7831 x251
Fax (321) 783-3748
bobbyg@portcanaveral.com 136A Flite Technology
136C Harris Corporation Port Canaveral
FTZ No. 166 Homestead
Grantee: Vision Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
43 North Krome Ave, Homestead, FL 33030
Dennis Daley (305) 877-2238
Fax (305) 247-9976
www.visioncouncil.com Miami
FTZ No. 169 Manatee County
Grantee: Manatee County Port Authority
300 Tampa Bay Way, Palmetto, FL 34221
Joseph Gontarski (941) 722-6621
Fax (941) 729-1463 169A Aso Corporation Port Manatee
FTZ No. 180 Miami (Wynwood)
Grantee/Operator: Wynwood Community Economic Development Corp.
8001 Southwest 97 Terrace
Miami, FL 33156
William Rios (305) 274-0992
Fax (305) 271-2441 Miami
FTZ No. 193 Pinellas County
Grantee: Pinellas County Economic Development
8778 Bryan Dairy Rd., Suite 120
Largo, FL 33777
Kathleen Good (727) 464-7423
Fax (727) 545-6719
kgood@pinellascounty.org 193A Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC St. Petersburg
FTZ No. 198 Volusia and Flagler Counties
Grantee: Volusia County Foreign-Trade Zone
700 Catalina Dr., Suite 200
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Paul Mitchell (386) 248-8048
Fax (386) 238-4761
www.floridabusiness.org Daytona Beach
FTZ No. 213 Fort Myers
Grantee: Lee County Port Authority
11000 Terminal Access Rd., Suite 8671
Fort Myers, FL 33913
Brian Solis (239) 590-4509
Fax (239) 590-4511
bmsolis@flylcpa.com Fort Myers
FTZ No. 215 Sebring
Grantee: Sebring Airport Authority
Sebring Regional Airport
128 Authority Lane, Sebring, FL 33870
Mike Willingham (941) 655-6444
Fax (863) 655-6447 Port Manatee
FTZ No. 217 Ocala
Grantee: Economic Development Council, Inc Operator: Ocala Regional Airport
P.O. Box 1270, Ocala, FL 34478
Matthew Grow (352) 629-8377
Fax (352) 861-2227
FTZ No. 218 St. Lucie County
Grantee: Central Florida Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Michael Brillhart (772) 462-6406
Fax (772) 462-1579
brillhartm@stlucieco.org Fort Pierce Station
FTZ No. 241 Fort Lauderdale
Grantee: City of Fort Lauderdale
c/o Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport
6000 NW 21st Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
Clara Bennett (954) 828-4969
Fax (954) 938-4974
cbennett@fortlauderdale.gov Port Everglades
FTZ No. 249 Pensacola
Grantee: Pensacola-Escambia County Promotion & Development Commission
117 West Garden St, Pensacola, FL 32501
Mary Jane Stevenson (850) 438-4081
Fax (850) 438-6369
msteverson@pensacolachamber.com 249A General Electric Wind Energy/Energy Rentals Pensacola
FTZ No. 250 Seminole County
Grantee: Sanford Airport Authority
1200 Red Cleveland Blvd, Sanford, FL 32773
Diane Crews (407) 585-4010
Fax (407) 322-5834 Sanford
FTZ No. 26 Atlanta
Grantee: Georgia Foreign Trade Zone, Inc.
75 5th Street, NW, Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30308
Julie Brown (404) 214-6904
Fax (404) 214-6901
ASF Site List
26A GM
26C Ford
26D Yamaha
26E Pratt & Whitney
26F Precision Components
26G Roper Corporation
26H Ricoh Electronics, Inc.
26I Inflation Systems, Inc
26J Eastman Kodak Company
26K Noramco, Inc. Atlanta
FTZ No. 104 Savannah
Grantee/Operator: Savannah Airport Commission
Savannah International Airport
400 Airways Avenue, Savannah, GA 31408
Ralph P. Maggioni (912) 964-0904
Fax (912) 966-7969 104A Merck
104B Wal-Mart
104C NuStar Energy L.P.
104D Tumi, Inc. Savannah
FTZ No. 144 Brunswick
Grantee: Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority
P.O. Box 1079, Brunswick, GA 31521
S. Nathan Sparks (912) 265-6629
Fax (912) 265-0629 144A E.I. du Pont de Nemours Brunswick
FTZ No. 9 Honolulu
Grantee/Operator: State of Hawaii
Pier 2, 521 Ala Moana, Honolulu, HI 96813
Gregory Barbour (808) 587-5372
Fax (808) 586-2512
www.ftz9.org 9A Tesoro Hawaii Corp.
9B Kerr Pacific
9D Maui Pineapple
9E Chevron Corp.
9F Citizens Communications Company Honolulu
FTZ No. 242 Boundary County
Grantee: County of Boundary
P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Ronald Smith (208) 267-7723 242A Hoku Materials, Inc. Eastport
FTZ No. 22 Chicago
Grantee: Illinois International Port District
3600 East 95th Street
Chicago, IL 60617-5193
Susan Kiley (773) 646-4400
Fax (773) 221-7678
www.iipd.com 22B Ford
22F Abbott Molecular, Inc.
22H BP Pipeline North America
22I Citgo Petroleum Corp.
22J EXXON Mobil
22K Henkel Corporation
22M Northrop Grumman Corporation
22N Michelin North America, Inc.
22O Medline Industries, Inc.
22P Sony Electronics Inc.
22R Crate & Barrel Chicago
FTZ No. 31 Granite City
Grantee/Operator: Tri-City Regional Port District, 1635 W. First St.
Granite City, IL 62040
Dennis Wilmsmeyer (618) 452-8439 or (618) 877-8444
Fax (618) 452-3402
www.tricityport.com 31A DaimlerChrysler
31B WRB Refining LLC
31C Premcor Refining Group St. Louis
FTZ No. 114 Peoria
Grantee: Economic Development Council for Central Illinois
100 SW Water St., Peoria, IL 61602
Sally Hanley (309) 495-5953
Fax (309) 495-5963
www.edc.centralillinois.org 114A Caterpillar
114C Mitsubishi Motor Mfg of America
114D E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
114E Rockwell Automation Peoria
FTZ No. 133 Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois
Grantee: Quad-City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
1830 2nd Ave., Suite 200
Rock Island, IL 61201
Mathew Pruitt (309) 788-7436
Fax (309) 788-4964 133D Deere & Company Quad-Cities
FTZ No. 146 Lawrence County
Grantee: Bi-State Authority
Lawrence County Industrial Development Council, 718 11th Street, Suite 2
Lawrenceville, IL 62439
Terry L. Denison (618) 943-5219
Fax (618) 943-5910 146A North American Lighting & Hella Electronics
146C Fedders
146D Marathon Petroleum Company LP Evansville
FTZ No. 176 Rockford
Grantee: Greater Rockford Airport Authority
60 Airport Drive, Rockford, IL 61109-2902
Marge Bevers (815) 969-4427
Fax (815) 969-4001
ASF Site List
176A Milk Specialties
176C DaimlerChrysler
176D Nissan Industrial Engine
176E Nissan Forklift Corporation
176F Cellusuede Products, Inc. Rockford
FTZ No. 245 Decatur
Grantee: Board of Park Commissions
Decatur Park District
101 S. Main, Suite LL 5, Decatur, IL 62523
Craig Coil (217) 422-9520
Fax (217) 422-9307 ccoil@decaturedc.com 245A Archer Daniels Midland Peoria
FTZ No. 271 Jo-Daviess & Carroll Counties
Grantee: Jo-Carroll Foreign Trade Zone Board
18933 A Street, Savanna, IL 61074
Don Crawford (815) 273-4371
http://jo-carrollftz271.com/ 271A Danisco USA, Inc., Sweeteners Division Davenport, IA/ Moline & Rock Island, IL
FTZ No. 72 Indianapolis
Operator: Greater Indianapolis FTZ, Inc.
P.O. Box 51681, Indianapolis, IN 46251
Kent Ebbing (317) 487-7200
Fax (317) 487-7203
Grantee: Indianapolis Airport Authority 72A GM
72B Eli Lilly
72F DaimlerChrysler
72G DaimlerChrysler
72H Subaru of Indiana Automotive
72I Alpine
72J Endress & Hauser Flowtec AG
72K Onkyo
72L Thomson Multimedia, Inc.
72M Fujitsu Ten
72N Alfa Laval Distribution, Inc.
72O Tetra Pak Parts Americas
72P SMC Pneumatics
72Q Rolls-Royce Corporation
72R Decatur Mold Tool & Engineering
72S Brightpoint North America L.P. Indianapolis
FTZ No. 125 South Bend
Grantee: St. Joseph County Airport Authority
Operator: K.A.K. LLC
1507 South Olive, P.O. Box 3559, South Bend, IN 46619
Mike Guljas (574) 233-2185, ext 223
Fax (219) 232-8283
ASF Site List
125D Audiovox Specialized Applications
125E Thor Industries, Inc. Chicago
FTZ No. 152 Burns Harbor
Grantee: Ports of Indiana
150 W. Market St., Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46204
David Haniford (317) 232-9204
Fax (317) 232-0137
ASF Site List
152B BP Products North America Chicago
FTZ No. 170 Clark County
Grantee: Ports of Indiana
150 W. Market St., Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46204
David Haniford (317) 232-9204
Fax (317) 232-0137
ASF Site List
170A Lexmark
170B Schwarz Pharma Manufacturing, Inc. Louisville
FTZ No. 177 Evansville
Grantee: Ports of Indiana
150 W. Market St., Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46204
David Haniford (317) 232-9204
Fax (317) 232-0137
ASF Site List
177A Bristol Myers Squibb Company
177B Toyota Motor Manufacturing
177C Pfizer Inc
177D Mead Johnson & Co. Evansville
FTZ No. 182 Fort Wayne
Grantee: City of Fort Wayne
Department of Economic Development
Office of International Trade
1 Main St., Room 840, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Ola DeGabriele (260) 481-0498
Fax (260) 426-1375 Fort Wayne
FTZ No. 107 Polk County
Grantee: The Iowa Foreign Trade Zone Corporation
c/o Greater Des Moines Partnership
700 Locust Street, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50309
David Maahs (515) 286-4958
Fax (515) 286-4974
dmaahs@desmoinesmetro.com 107A Winnebago
107B SACMI USA, Ltd.
107C SPAL USA, INC. Des Moines
FTZ No. 133 Quad-Cities, Iowa/Illinois
Grantee: Quad-City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
1830 2nd Ave., Suite 200
Rock Island, Iowa 61201
Matthew Pruitt (309) 788-7436
Fax (309) 788-4964 133D Deere & Company Quad-Cities
FTZ No. 175 Cedar Rapids
Grantee: Cedar Rapids Airport Commission
2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-9084
Kathleen Bell (319) 362-3131
K.Bell@EIAirport.com 175A Deere & Company Des Moines
FTZ No. 17 Kansas City
Grantee/Operator: Greater Kansas City FTZ, Inc., River Market Office Bldg
20 East 5th Street, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64106
Al Figuly (816) 474-2227
Fax (816) 421-5500
ASF Site List
17A GM
17B Bayer Health Care Group Kansas City
FTZ No. 161 Sedgwick County
Grantee: Board of Commissioners of Sedgwick County
Sedgwick County Economic Development
350 West Douglas, Wichita, KS 67202
Sherdeill H. Breathett, Sr. (316) 268-1139
Fax (316) 265-7502 161A Hospira, Inc.
161B Frontier El Dorado Refining Co.
161C Hawker Beechcraft Corp. Wichita
FTZ No. 29 Louisville
Grantee/Operator: Louisville & Jefferson County Riverport Authority
6900 Riverport Drive, Louisville, KY 40258
Larry McFall (502) 935-6024
Fax (502) 935-6050 29B Ford
29C GE
29D Lexmark
29E Toyota Motor Manufacturing
29F Hitachi
29G Ascent Power Tech. Corp.
29H ISP Chemicals
29I NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.
29J Reynolds Packaging LLC
29K Dow Corning Corporation Louisville
FTZ No. 47 Boone County
Grantee/Operator: Greater Cincinnati FTZ, Inc.
300 Carew Tower, 441 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2812
Ken Fightmaster (513) 579-3119
Fax (513) 579-3102 47A Clarion
47B Marathon Petroleum Company LP
47C GE Engine Services Distribution Cincinnati
FTZ No. 2 New Orleans
Grantee/Operator: Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans
P.O. Box 60046, New Orleans, LA 70160
Jim Reese (504) 528-3264
Fax (504) 524-4156
ASF Site List
2C Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.
2D Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.
2E Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
2F Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.
2G Trinity Yachts Inc.
2H Chalmette Refining LLC
2I ConocoPhillips
2J Murphy Oil USA
2K Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. New Orleans
FTZ No. 87 Lake Charles
Grantee/Operator: Lake Charles Harbor & Terminal District
P.O. Box 3753, Lake Charles, LA 70601
Sharon Edwards (337) 493-3504
Fax (318) 493-3512
sedwards@portlc.com 87A ConocoPhillips
87B Citgo Petroleum Corp.
87C Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Lake Charles
FTZ No. 124 Gramercy
Grantee: Port of South Louisiana
P.O. Box 909, La Place, LA 70069-0909
Lisa Braud (985) 652-9278
Fax (985) 652-9518
lbraud@portsl.com 124A Valero Refining
124B North American Shipbuilding
124C Motiva Enterprises
124E Marathon Petroleum Company LP
124F Motiva Enterprises
124G Halter Marine
124H Bollinger Shipyards
124I J. Ray McDermott, Inc.
124K M-I L.L.C.
124L Candies Shipbuilding, LLC
124M Baker Hughes, Inc.
124N Excalibar Minerals LLC Gramercy
FTZ No. 145 Shreveport
Grantee: Caddo-Bossier Parishes Port Commission
P.O. Box 52071, Shreveport, LA 71135-2071
Brenda Levinson (318) 524-2272
Fax (318) 524-2273 145A Avaya, Inc. Shreveport
FTZ No. 154 Baton Rouge
Grantee: Greater Baton Rouge Port Commission
P.O. Box 380, Port Allen, LA 70767-0380
Karen St. Cyr (225) 342-1660
Fax (225) 342-1666 154A EXXON Mobil Baton Rouge
FTZ No. 261 Alexandria
Grantee: England Economic & Industrial Development District
England Airpark, 1611 Arnold Dr., Alexandria, LA 71303
Jimmy Williams (318) 427-6407
Fax (318) 449-3506
jwilliams@englandairpark.org Morgan City
FTZ No. 58 Bangor
Grantee: City of Bangor
73 Harlow Street, Bangor, ME 04401
Stephen A. Bolduc (207) 735-4059
Fax: (207) 945-4447
steve.bolduc@bangormaine.gov Bangor
FTZ No. 179 Madawaska
Grantee: Madawaska Foreign Trade Zone Corporation
Operator: Evergreen Trading Co. LLC
791 Main Street, Madawaska, ME 04756
Clifford Cyr (207) 728-3660
Fax (207) 728-6370
179A Northern Trading Company Madawaska
FTZ No. 186 Waterville
Grantee: Maine International Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
P.O. Box 2611, Waterville, ME 04901
John Nale, Esq. (207) 873-4304
Fax (207) 873-1122 Belfast
FTZ No. 263 Auburn
Grantee: Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council, 415 Lisbon Street, Suite 400, Lewiston, ME 04240
George M. Dycio (207) 784-0161
Fax (207) 786-4412
www.economicgrowth.org/html/foreign_trade_zone.htm Portland
FTZ No. 63 Prince George's County
Grantee: Prince George's County Government
Administrator: Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation
1100 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115A
Largo, MD 20774
Patricia Hayes-Parker (301) 583-4650
Fax (301) 9772-8540
pparker@pgcedc.com Washington, DC
FTZ No. 73 BWI Airport
Grantee: Maryland Dept. of Transportation
Maryland Aviation Administration
P.O. Box 8766, BWI Airport, MD 21240-8766
Gary Davies (410) 859-7002
Fax (410) 850-4127 73A Rotorex
73B Northrop Grumman
73C IKEA Distribution Services Baltimore
FTZ No. 74 Baltimore
Grantee: City of Baltimore
Operator: Baltimore City Development Corporation, 36 South Charles Street
Suite 1600, Baltimore, MD 21201
Elizabeth Weiblen Hines (410) 779-3838
Fax (410) 837-6363
ehines@baltimoredevelopment.com 74B Michelin North America, Inc. Baltimore
FTZ No. 255 Washington County
Grantee: Board of County Commissioners of Washington County
FTZ Commission for Washington County
c/o Hagerstown Regional Airport
18434 Showalter Road
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Greg Larsen (240) 313-2768
Fax (240) 313-2201 Baltimore
FTZ No. 27 Boston
Grantee: Massachusetts Port Authority
Massport Maritime, 1 Harborside Dr, Suite 200S
Boston, MA 02128
Lynn Vikesland (617) 946-4413
Fax (617) 946-4466 27C Lawrence Textile
27D GM
27E Polaroid
27F Polaroid
27H Polaroid
27I Polaroid
27J Polaroid
27K Polaroid
27L AstraZeneca LP
27M Reebok International Boston
FTZ No. 28 New Bedford
Grantee/Operator: City of New Bedford
Office of City Planning, 133 William Street, Room 211
New Bedford, MA 02740-6172
Dave Kennedy (508) 979-1488 28D Polaroid
28E Brittany Dyeing and Printing Corp.
28F Acushnet Company New Bedford
FTZ No. 201 Holyoke
Grantee: City of Holyoke
City Hall, Room 10, Holyoke, MA 01040
John Dyjach (413) 322-5655
Fax (413) 534-2299 201A Hazen Paper Co.
201B Mastex Industries, Inc.
201C Yankee Candle Corporation Springfield
FTZ No. 16 Sault Ste. Marie
Grantee/Operator: Economic Development Corp. of Sault Ste. Marie
1301 W. Easterday Ave.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
James F. Hendricks (906) 635-9131
Fax (906) 635-1999 16A Northern Imports, LLC Sault Ste. Marie
FTZ No. 43 Battle Creek
Grantee: City of Battle Creek
Operator: BC/CAL/KAL Inland Port Authority of South Central Michigan Development Corporation
P.O. Box 1438, Battle Creek, MI 49016
Jan Frantz (269) 962-7526
Fax (269) 962-8096
Frantz@bcunlimited.org 43B Mead Johnson & Co. LLC
43C Abbott
43D Perrigo Co.
43E Pfizer Inc Battle Creek
FTZ No. 70 Detroit
Grantee: Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
8109 E. Jefferson, Detroit, MI 48214
W. Steven Olinek (313) 331-3842 ext 306
Fax (313) 331-5457 70A Ford
70B DaimlerChrysler
70C Ford
70D Ford
70E Ford
70F GM
70G GM
70H DaimlerChrysler
70I Mazda
70J DaimlerChrysler
70K GM
70L GM
70N DaimlerChrysler
70P DaimlerChrysler
70Q DaimlerChrysler
70R DaimlerChrysler
70T Marathon Petroleum Co. LP
70U Wacker Chemical Corp. Detroit
FTZ No. 140 Flint
Grantee: City of Flint
Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce, 519 S. Saginaw St., Suite 210, Flint, MI 48502
Greg Nicholas (810) 600-1431 140A GM Saginaw/Bay City/ Flint
FTZ No. 189 Kent/Ottawa/Muskegon Counties
Grantee: KOM Foreign Trade Zone Authority
KOM FTZ 189, Van Andel Global Trade Center, 401 West Fulton Ave., 121E
Grand Rapids, MI 49504-6431
Sonja Johnson (616) 331-6811
Fax (616) 331-6744 189A Diesel Technology
189B ESCO Co.
189C Wolverine World Wide, Inc. Grand Rapids
FTZ No. 210 St. Clair County
Grantee: Economic Development Alliance of
St. Clair County
735 Erie St., Ste 250, Port Huron MI 48060
Doug Alexander (810) 982-9511
Fax (810) 982-9531 Port Huron
FTZ No. 275 Lansing
Grantee: Capital Region Airport Authority
4100 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906
Robert Selig (517) 886-3711
Fax (517) 321-6197
rfselig@craa.com 275A GM Lansing
FTZ No. 51 Duluth
Grantee/Operator: Duluth Seaway Port Authority
1200 Port Terminal Dr., Duluth, MN 55802-2609
Ray Skelton (218) 727-8525
Fax (218) 727-6888 51A MAPE USA, Inc. Duluth
FTZ No. 119 Minneapolis-St. Paul
Grantee: Greater Metropolitan Area FTZ Commission
6040 28th Ave. South, St. Paul, MN 55450
Steven J. Anderson (612) 725-8361
Fax (612) 725-6498 119B Uponor, Inc.
119D Wisconsin Dairies
119E Plastic Products
119F Artesyn Technologies
119G SICK, Inc. Minneapolis
FTZ No. 259 Koochiching County
Grantee: Koochiching Economic Development Authority
P.O. Box 138, International Falls, MN 56649
Paul Nevanen (218) 283-8585
Fax (218) 283-4688
paul@businessupnorth.com 259A Arctic Cat, Inc. International Falls
FTZ No. 92 Harrison County
Grantee: Mississippi Coast Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
P.O. Box 40, Gulfport, MS 39502
Bruce Frallic (228) 863-5951
Fax (228) 863-4555 92A Trinity Marine
92B Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.
92C Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, Inc.
92D Chevron Corp. Gulfport
FTZ No. 158 Vicksburg/Jackson
Grantee: Greater Mississippi Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
Operator: Jackson Municipal Airport Authority
P.O. Box 98109, Jackson, MS 39298-8109
Dirk Vanderleest (601) 939-5631 x200 158C Alliant Aerospace
158D Nissan North America
158E Ergon Refining, Inc. Jackson
FTZ No. 262 Southaven
Grantee: Northern Mississippi FTZ, Inc.
384 East Goodman Rd., PMB #123, Southaven, MS 38671
Preston Herold (972) 201-2969
Fax (972) 201-2989 Memphis
FTZ No. 15 Kansas City
Grantee/Operator: Greater Kansas City FTZ, Inc., River Market Office Building
20 East 5th St., Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64106
Al Figuly (816) 474-2227
Fax (816) 421-5500 15A Ford
15C Yulshin USA Ltd.
15D Bayer Corporation
15E Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing
15G Pfizer, Inc.
15H Midwest Quality Gloves, Inc. Kansas City
FTZ No. 102 St. Louis
Grantee/Operator: St. Louis County Port Authority, 121 South Meramec, Suite 900
St. Louis, MO 63105
Beth Noonan (314) 615-3958
Fax (314) 615-7666 102B GM
102C Florsheim Shoe Co.
102D Bayer Cropscience LP St. Louis
FTZ No. 225 Springfield
Grantee: City of Springfield Airport Board
2300 N. Airport Blvd., Suite 100
Springfield, MO 65802
Gary A. Cyr, Sr. (417) 868-0500 x2001
Fax (417) 868-1501
www.flyspringfield.com Springfield
FTZ No. 88 Great Falls
Grantee/Operator: Great Falls International Airport Authority
2800 Terminal Dr. , Great Falls, MT 59404-5599
Lara Tait (406) 727-3404
Fax (406) 727-6929
ltait@ftfairport.com Great Falls
FTZ No. 187 Toole County
Grantee/Operator: Northern Express Transportation, Inc.
301 First Street South, # 3, Shelby, MT 59474
Larry Bonderud (406) 434-5203
Fax (406) 434-2761 Sweetgrass
FTZ No. 274 Butte-Silver Bow
Grantee: City and County of Butte–Silver Bow
155 West Granite, Butte, Montana 59701
Kristen Rosa (406) 497-6470
Fax (406) 497-6248
ASF Site List
Butte–Silver Bow
FTZ No. 19 Omaha
Grantee: Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce
1301 Harney St., Omaha, NE 68102-8104
Marisa Ring (402) 978-7940
Fax (402) 346-7050 19A Syngenta Crop Protection Omaha
FTZ No. 59 Lincoln
Grantee/Operator: Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
Lincoln Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
1135 M Street, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68508
Lisa Darlington (402) 436-2379
Fax (402) 436-2360 59A Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing
59B CNH America, LLC Omaha
FTZ No. 89 Clark County
Grantee: Nevada Development Authority
6700 Via Austi Parkway, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Kathy Parker (702) 791-0000
Fax (702) 361-1446
KParker@nevadadevelopment.org Las Vegas
FTZ No. 126 Sparks
Grantee: Economic Development Authority of
Western Nevada
201 W. Liberty St., Suite 200, Reno, NV 89501
Chuck Alvey (775) 829-3700
Fax (775) 829-3710
ASF Site List
126A Porsche
126B Taiyo America Reno
FTZ No. 81 Portsmouth
Grantee/Operator: Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors
P.O. Box 369, Portsmouth, NH 03802-0369
Geno Marconi (603) 436-8500
Fax (603) 436-2780 81A Nashua
81C CE Nuclear Power LLC, Westinghouse Electric Co.
81D Millipore Corp. Portsmouth
FTZ No. 44 Morris County
Grantee: New Jersey Economic Development Authority
P.O. Box 990, Trenton, NJ 08625
Camille E. Sailer (609) 633-1182
Fax (609) 633-3672
camille.sailer@sos.state.nj.us 44B International Flavors & Fragrances
44E L’Oreal USA, Inc
44F Tiffany & Co. New York/ Newark
FTZ No. 49 Newark/Elizabeth
Grantee/Operator: Port Authority of NY and NJ
260 Kellogg St., 3rd Floor, Port Newark, NJ 07114
E. Elaine Scollo (973) 690-3485
Fax (973) 690-3498
www.portnynj.com 49B GM
49C Bristol-Myers Squibb
49D Merck
49E ConocoPhillips
49F Chevron Corp.
49G Hewlett-Packard
49H Firmenich
49I AZ Electronic Materials USA Corp.
49J Movado Group
49K In Mocean Group, LLC
49L The Swatch Group (U.S.) Inc. New York/ Newark
FTZ No. 142 Salem/Millville
Grantee: South Jersey Port Corporation
P.O. Box 129, Second & Beckett Sts, Camden, NJ 08103
Joseph A. Balzano (856) 757-4969
Fax (856) 757-4903 142A Paulsboro Refining Co. LLC
142B NuStar Energy L.P.
142C Sunoco, Inc. (R & M) Philadelphia
FTZ No. 200 Mercer County
Grantee: County of Mercer, New Jersey
Division of Economic Development
P.O. Box 8068, 640 South Broad Street, Trenton, NJ 08611
Wayne Staub (609) 989-6059
Fax (609) 695-4943 200A Conair Philadelphia
FTZ No. 235 Lakewood
Grantee: Township of Lakewood, New Jersey
231 Third Street, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Anita Doyle (732) 364-2500 ext. 5256
adoyle@lakewoodwpnj.org Philadelphia
FTZ No. 110 Albuquerque
Grantee: The City of Albuquerque Aviation Department
P.O. Box 9948, Albuquerque, NM 87119-1048
Dr. Bruce Perlman (505) 768-3000
Fax (505) 842-4278 110A Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC
110B Louisiana Energy Services, LLC Albuquerque
FTZ No. 197 Dona Ana County
Grantee: Board of County Commissioners of Dona Ana County, New Mexico
845 N. Motel Blvd. Las Cruces, NM 88007-8100
Janine Divyak (575) 525-6130
Fax (575) 525-6131 Santa Teresa
FTZ No. 1 New York City
Grantee: City of New York
110 William Street, New York, NY 10038
Patricia Ornst (212) 312-4226
Fax (212) 312-3916 1A Pfizer, Inc.
1B Bulova Corporation New York/ Newark
FTZ No. 23 Buffalo
Grantee: County of Erie
ECIDA, 275 Oak Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
Maryann Stein (716) 856-6525
Fax (716) 856-6754 23C Buffalo China Buffalo
FTZ No. 34 Niagara County
Grantee: Niagara County Industrial Development Agency
6311 Inducon Corporate Dr.
Sanborn, NY 14132-9099
Susan Langdon (716) 278-8750
Fax (716) 278-8757 Buffalo
FTZ No. 37 Orange County
Grantee: County of Orange
c/o Orange County Foreign Trade Zone
255 Main Street, Goshen, NY 10924
James O'Donnell (845) 291-2700
Fax (845) 291-2724
ASF Site List
37A GM
37B Bally
37C Schott Lithotec USA Corp New York/ Newark
FTZ No. 52 Suffolk County
Grantee: Suffolk County
P.O. Box 6100
H. Lee Dennison Bldg., 2nd floor
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Carolyn Fahey (631) 853-4833
Fax (631) 853-4888 52A Festo Corporation New York/ Newark
FTZ No. 54 Clinton County
Grantee/Operator: Clinton County Area Development Corporation
61 Area Development Drive
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Adore F. Kurtz (518) 563-3100
Fax (518) 562-2232
ASF Site List
FTZ No. 90 Onondaga
Grantee: County of Onondaga
Office of Econ. Development
421 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Linda McShane (315) 435-3770
90A Smith-Corona Syracuse
FTZ No. 109 Watertown
Grantee: The County of Jefferson, c/o Jefferson County Industrial Development Agency, 800 Starbuck Avenue, Suite 800
Watertown, NY 13601
Don Alexander (315) 782-5865
Fax (315) 782-7915 109A NY Air Brake Alexandria Bay
FTZ No. 111 JFK Intl. Airport
Grantee: The City of New York
110 William Street, New York, NY 10038
Patricia Ornst (212) 312-4226
Fax (212) 312-3916 New York/ Newark
FTZ No. 118 Ogdensburg
Grantee: Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority, One Bridge Plaza
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Wade Davis (315) 393-4080
Fax (315) 393-7068 Ogdensburg
FTZ No. 121 Albany
Grantee: Capital District Regional Planning Commission
One Park Place, Albany, NY 12205
Rocky Ferraro (518) 453-0850
Fax (518) 453-0856
ASF Site List
121A AMRI-Rensselear, Inc.
121C MPM Silicones, LLC Albany
FTZ No. 141 Monroe County
Grantee: County of Monroe
Department of Planning and Development
50 W. Main Street, Suite 8100
Rochester, NY 14614
Judy Seil (585) 753-2020
Fax (585) 753-2028 141A Eastman Kodak
141B Xerox
141D Gleason Corporation Rochester
FTZ No. 172 Oneida County
Grantee: County of Oneida
Operator: Mohawk Valley EDGE
153 Brooks Road, Rome, NY 13441
James P. Castilla (315) 338-0393, Ext. 236
Fax (315) 338-5694
172A Oneida Ltd. Utica
FTZ No. 57 Mecklenburg County
Grantee: Charlotte Regional Partnership, Inc.
1001 Morehead Square Dr., Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28203
Ronnie Bryant (704) 347-8942
Fax (704) 347-8981
rbryant@charlotteusa.com 57A IBM
57B Volvo Construction Equipment
57C DNP IMS America Corp. Charlotte
FTZ No. 66 Wilmington
Grantee: North Carolina Dept. of Commerce
Operator: N.C. State Port Authority
P.O. Box 9002, Wilmington, NC 28402
Lance Kenworthy (910) 343-6228
Fax (910) 763-6440
lance_kenworthy@ncports.com 66B Deere-Hitachi Wilmington
FTZ No. 67 Morehead City
Grantee: North Carolina Dept. of Commerce
Operator: N.C. State Port Authority
P.O. Box 9002, Wilmington, NC 28402
Lance Kenworthy (910) 343-6228
Fax (910) 763-6440
lance_kenworthy@ncports.com Morehead City/Beaufort
FTZ No. 93 Raleigh/Durham
Grantee: Triangle J Council of Governments
c/o World Trade Center North Carolina
P.O. Box 12276
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Pamela Davison (919) 558-9394
Fax (919) 549-9390
pdavison@tjcog.org 93A Mallinckrodt Medical
93C Merck
93D R. G. Barry
93E Custom Manufacturing Services, Lucent Technologies, Inc.
93G Revlon Consumer Products Corporation
93H Merck & Co., Inc. Raleigh-Durham
FTZ No. 214 Lenoir County
Grantee: North Carolina Global TransPark Authority
2780 Jet Port Road, Suite A
Kinston, NC 28504
Darlene Waddell (252) 522-4929 x714
Fax (252) 522-5778
dwaddell@ncgtp.com 214A Consolidated Diesel
214B Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc. Morehead City/Beaufort
FTZ No. 230 Piedmont Triad Area
Grantee: Piedmont Triad Partnership
7025 Albert Pick Rd., Suite 303
Greensboro, NC 27409
Penny Whiteheart (336) 668-4556
Fax (336) 668-3749
www.piedmonttriadnc.com 230A United Chemi-Con
230B Unifi, Inc.
230C Banner Pharmacaps, Inc. Winston-Salem
FTZ No. 103 Grand Forks
Grantee: Grand Forks Regional Airport Authority
2787 Airport Drive, Grand Forks, ND 58203
Steve Johnson (701) 795-6981
Fax (701) 795-6979
www.gfkairport.com 103A Imation Corporation Pembina
FTZ No. 267 Fargo
Grantee: Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo
P.O. Box 2845, Fargo, ND 58108
Shawn Dobberstein (701) 241-1501
Fax (701) 241-1538
www.fargoairport.com Fargo
FTZ No. 8 Toledo
Grantee: Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority
One Maritime Plaza, 7th Floor
Toledo, OH 43604-1866
Randy Campbell (717) 873-0569
8A Jeep
8B DaimlerChrysler
8C DaimlerChrysler
8E Giant Products
8F BP-Husky Refining, LLC
8G Lima Refining Company
8H Sunoco, Inc. Toledo-Sandusky
FTZ No. 40 Cleveland
Grantee: Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority
1375 E. Ninth Street, Suite 2300
Cleveland, OH 44114
Yvette Mosby (216) 241-8004
Fax (216) 241-8016
Yvette.Mosby@portofcleveland.com 40A Ford
40B GM
40C Ford
40D Lincoln Electric
40E Mr. Coffee
40G Ben Venue Labs
40H Motch Corp. Cleveland
FTZ No. 46 Cincinnati
Grantee/Operator: Greater Cincinnati FTZ, Inc
300 Carew Tower, 441 Vine St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202-2812
Ken Fightmaster (513) 579-3119
Fax (513) 579-3119 46A General Electric Aircraft Engines
46B Honda
46D Honda
46E Nine West Distribution Corp. Cincinnati
FTZ No. 100 Dayton
Grantee/Operator: Greater Dayton Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. 3600 Terminal Drive, Suite 300, Vandalia OH 45377
Marci Wright (937) 264-3545
Fax (937) 454-8284 100A GM
100B Delphi Automotive Systems
100C Behr Dayton Thermal Products, LLC
100D Thor Industries, Inc. Dayton
FTZ No. 101 Clinton County
Grantee/Operator: ABX Material Services, Inc.
145 Hunter Drive, Wilmington, OH 45177
Suzanne Scheiner-Albl (937) 382-5591 x2508
Fax (937) 382-2452
Suzanne.Albl@abxair.com Dayton
FTZ No. 138 Franklin County
Grantee: Columbus Regional Airport Authority
7161 2nd St., Columbus, OH 43217
Kathy Mills (614) 409-3606
Fax (614) 491-0662
ASF Site List
138G Abercrombie & Fitch Columbus
FTZ No. 151 Findlay
Grantee: Findlay/Hancock County Chamber of Commerce
123 E. Main Cross Street, Findlay, OH 45840
Douglas Peters (419) 422-3313
Fax (419) 422-9508 151A Cooper Tire Toledo-Sandusky
FTZ No. 181 Akron/Canton
Grantee: Northeast Ohio Trade & Economic Consortium (NEOTEC)
P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001
Ronald W. DeBarr (330) 672-4080
Fax (330) 672-2259
www.neotec.org 181A Marathon Petroleum Company LP Cleveland
FTZ No. 264 Washington County
Grantee: Southeastern Ohio Port Authority
200 Putnam Street, Suite 500
Marietta, OH 45750
Mike Jacoby (740) 373-3233
Fax (740) 373-4256
seopa@charterinternet.com Charleston
FTZ No. 270 Lawrence County
Grantee: Lawrence County Port Authority
216 Collins Avenue
South Point, OH 45680
Viviane K. Vallance (740) 377-4550
viviane@ledcorp.org Charleston
FTZ No. 53 Rogers County
Grantee/Operator: City of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority
5350 Cimarron Road, Catoosa, OK 74015
Robert W. Portiss (918) 266-2291 x19
Fax (918) 266-7678 53B TEPPCP Crude Pipeline LP Tulsa
FTZ No. 106 Oklahoma City
Grantee: Port Authority of the Greater Oklahoma City Area
Operator: Dept. of Airports of the City of Oklahoma City, 7100 Terminal Drive
Unit 937, Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Matthew Weaver (405) 623-5335
Fax (405) 680-3211
www.foreigntradezone106.org 106A GM
106C Imation Enterprises Corporation
106D Xerox Corporation
106E ConocoPhillips Oklahoma City
FTZ No. 164 Muskogee
Grantee: Muskogee City-County Port Authority
4901 Harold Scoggins Drive
Muskogee, OK 74401
Scott Robinson (918) 682-7886
Fax (918) 682-3609 Tulsa
FTZ No. 227 Durant
Grantee: Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma, Inc.
P.O. Box 1335, Durant, OK 74702
Sherry Harlin (580) 924-5094
Fax (580) 920-2745
www.ruralenterprises.com/c_about_foreign_trade.php 227A Valero Refining Company Dallas-Fort Worth
FTZ No. 45 Portland
Grantee/Operator: Port of Portland
121 NW Everett, Portland, OR 97209
Teresa Carr (503) 944-7010
Fax (503) 548-5686
teresa.carr@portofportland.com 45A Beall Pipe
45C Alcatel Submarine Networks
45E Tofle USA
45F Epson Portland, Inc. Portland
FTZ No. 132 Coos County
Grantee: International Port of Coos Bay Commission
P.O. Box 1215, Coos Bay, OR 97420
Martin Callery (541) 267-7678
Fax (541) 269-1475 Coos Bay
FTZ No. 184 Klamath Falls
Grantee: City of Klamath Falls Dock Commission
City of Klamath Falls, 500 Klamath Avenue
P.O. Box 237, Klamath Falls, OR 97601-0361
Richard Whitlock (541) 883-5316
Fax (541) 883-5399
FTZ No. 206 Medford-Jackson County
Grantee: Jackson County, Oregon
10 South Oakdale, Medford, OR 97501
Marcy Black (541) 776-7222
Fax (541) 774-6455 206A Carestream Health, Inc. Rogue Valley International Airport
FTZ No. 24 Pittston
Grantee/Operator: Eastern Distribution Center, Inc.
1151 Oak Street, Pittston, PA 18640-3795
Michael J. Horvath (570) 655-5581
Fax (540) 654-5137 24A Olivetti
24B Cherokee Pharmaceuticals, LLC Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton
FTZ No. 33 Pittsburgh
Grantee: Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania
425 Sixth Avenue, Suite 500
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
F. Brooks Robinson (412) 471-3939 x21
Fax (412) 471-1740
www.ridc.org 33B Verosol
33C Sony Technology Center-Pittsburgh
33D Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.
33E DNP IMS America Corporation Pittsburgh
FTZ No. 35 Philadelphia
Grantee: Philadelphia Regional Port Authority
3460 N. Delaware Avenue, Second Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19134
David K. Harvey (215) 426-2600
Fax (215) 426-6800
www.philaport.com 35B Merck
35C Sun Company
35D ConocoPhillips
35E Aker Philadelphia Shipyard Philadelphia
FTZ No. 147 Reading
Grantee: FTZ Corp of Southern Pennsylvania
19 N. 6th St., Suite 201, P.O. Box 1457
Reading, PA 19603
Pamela J. Shupp (610) 376-4237
Fax (610) 376-4238
www.goBEP.com 147A C&J Clark America
147B Souriau USA Philadelphia
FTZ No. 247 Erie
Grantee: Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority
208 E. Bayfront Parkway, Suite 201
Erie, PA 16507
R. P. Schreckengost (814) 455-7557
Fax (814) 455-8070 Erie
FTZ No. 254 Jefferson County
Grantee: North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission
651 Montmorenci Road, Ridgway, PA 15853
John Weible (814) 371-1506 Pittsburgh
FTZ No. 272 Counties of Lehigh and Northampton
Grantee: Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation
P.O. Box 21750, Lehigh Valley, PA 18002
Jarrett Witt (610) 266-0523
Fax (610) 266-7623 Lehigh Valley
FTZ No. 7 Mayaguez
Grantee/Operator: Puerto Rico Industrial Development Corporation
P.O. Box 362350, San Juan, PR 00936-2350
Maria Isabel Romero (787) 758-4747 x4417
Fax (787) 754-5995 7B CORCO
7C Bristol-Myers Squibb
7D Bristol-Myers Squibb
7E E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co
7G Schering-Plough Products
7H Ortho Biologics, LLC
7I Abbott Pharmaceuticals PR LTD./Abbott Diagnostics International Ltd.
7J Bristol Myers Squibb Holdings Pharma, Ltd.
7K Lilly del Caribe, Inc.
7L Patheon Puerto Rico, Inc.
7M Amgen Manufacturing Limited Mayaguez
FTZ No. 61 San Juan
Grantee/Operator: Puerto Rico Trade and Export Company
Box 195009, San Juan, PR 00919-5009
Lionel A. Lopez (787) 793-3090 x203
Fax (787) 756-6190
http://www.comercioyexportacion.com 61A Searle & Company
61B Pfizer Pharmaceuticals LLC
61C SB Pharmco Puerto Rico
61D MSD International GmbH
61E MSD International GmbH
61H Baxter Healthcare
61I Buckeye Caribbean Terminals, Inc.
61J PepsiCo
61K Pfizer Pharmaceuticals San Juan
FTZ No. 163 Ponce
Grantee/Operator: CODEZOL C.D.
P.O. Box 333, Mercedita, PR 00715-0333
Johnny Fernandez (787) 259-4445
Fax (787) 841-5522
www.zonalibredelsur.com Ponce
FTZ No. 105 Providence & North Kingstown
Grantee: Rhode Island Economic Development Corp.
315 Iron Horse Way, Suite 101
Providence, RI 02908
John Riendeau (401) 278-9100
Fax (401) 273-8270 Providence
FTZ No. 21 Dorchester County
Grantee: South Carolina State Ports Authority
P.O. Box 22287, Charleston, SC 29413-2287
Suzan E. Carroll-Ramsey (843) 577-8144
Fax (843) 577-8191
http://www.scspa.com/charleston/inland/ftzs/ftz.asp 21A Porsche
21C Lanxess, Inc.
21D William Powell Company dba Starflo Corporation
21E Luigi Bormioli Corp. Charleston
FTZ No. 38 Spartanburg County
Grantee: South Carolina State Ports Authority
P.O. Box 22287, Charleston, SC 29413-2287
Suzan E. Carroll-Ramsey (843) 577-8144
Fax (843) 577-8191
ASF Site List
38A BMW Manufacturing
38B Borg-Warner Automotive Powertrain Systems
38C FUJIFILM Manufacturing USA
38D Faurecia Interior Systems
38E Black & Decker Corp.
38F Benteler Automotive Corp.
38G Kravet, Inc.
38H adidas America, Inc.
38I Cornell Dubilier Marketing, Inc. Greenville-Spartanburg
FTZ No. 127 West Columbia
Grantee/Operator: Richland-Lexington Airport District, Columbia Metropolitan Airport
P.O. Box 280037, Columbia, SC 29228-0037
Chuck Henderson (803) 822-7800
Fax (803) 822-7815
c.henderson@columbiaairport.com 127A AUTECS
127B JBE, Inc. Columbia
FTZ No. 220 Sioux Falls
Grantee: Sioux Falls Development Foundation
1 W. Weather Lane, Suite 400, Sioux Falls, SD, 57104
Rock Nelson (605) 338-3424
Fax (605) 338-3423
www.internationalportinfo.com Sioux Falls
FTZ No. 77 Memphis
Grantee: The City of Memphis
Memphis & Shelby County, Division of Planning & Develop., City Hall
125 North Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103
Maggie Conway (901) 576-7417
Fax (901) 576-7101 77A Sharp
77B Brother
77C Komatsu America
77D Black & Decker Corporation
77E Cummins, Inc. Memphis
FTZ No. 78 Nashville
Grantee: Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County c/o Mayor's Office of Economic and Community Development
222 3rd Avenue N., Suite 475
Nashville, TN 37201
Paul Ney (615) 862-6021
Fax (615) 862-6025
paul.ney@nashville.gov 78A Nissan
78E Saturn
78G Columbia Specialties
78H Sanford LP Nashville
FTZ No. 134 Chattanooga
Grantee: Chattanooga Chamber Foundation
811 Broad St., Chattanooga, TN 37402-2626
Steven Hiatt (423) 763-4333
Fax (423) 267-7242 Chattanooga
FTZ No. 148 Knoxville
Grantee: Industrial Development Board of Blount County
Operator: Greater Knoxville Foreign-Trade Zone c/o Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee
P.O. Box 2110, Oak Ridge, TN 37830-2110
Jeff Deardorff (865) 482-9890
Fax (865) 241-9891 148A GlaxoSmithKline
148B Cornell Doubilier Electronics, Inc. Knoxville
FTZ No. 204 Tri-Cities
Grantee: Tri-Cities Airport Commission
P.O. Box 1055, Blountville, TN 37617-1055
Mark Canty (423) 325-6090
Fax (423) 325-6095 204A Siemens Industrial Tri-City Regional Airport
FTZ No. 223 Memphis
Grantee: Memphis International Trade Development Corporation
P.O. Box 613307, Dallas, Texas 75261
(Ms.) Lou Thomas (972) 915-0083
Fax (972) 929-9927 Memphis
FTZ No. 12 McAllen
Grantee/Operator: McAllen Economic Development Corp.
6401 S. 33rd St., McAllen, TX 78501
Joyce Dean (956) 682-2875
Fax (956) 682-9111
www.mftz.org Hidalgo/Pharr
FTZ No. 36 Galveston
Grantee: Board of Trustees of the Galveston Wharves
Operator: Port of Galveston
P.O. Box 328, Galveston, TX 77553
Diane Falcioni (409) 766-6121
Fax (409) 766-6107 36A Deepsea Flexibles
36B M-I L.L.C. Houston
FTZ No. 39 Dallas/Fort Worth
Grantee/Operator: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board
P.O. Drawer 619428, DFW Airport, TX 75261
Christina L. Wood (972) 973-4649
Fax (972) 574-8069
ASF Site List
39B GM
39C Sanden
39E Fossil Partners
39F Zale Corporation
39G Exel Global Logistics, Inc.
39H American Eurocopter LLC
39I Turbomeca U.S.A.
39K Dal-Tile Corporation Dallas/Fort Worth
FTZ No. 62 Brownsville
Grantee/Operator: Brownsville Navigation District
1000 Foust Road, Brownsville, TX 78521
Tony Rodriguez (956) 831-4592
Fax (956) 831-5353 Brownsville/Los Indios
FTZ No. 68 El Paso
Grantee: City of El Paso
501 George Perry, Suite i, El Paso, TX 79906
Jose Quinonez (915) 771-6016
Fax (915) 772-2491
www.elpasotexas.gov/ftz El Paso
FTZ No. 80 San Antonio
Grantee: City of San Antonio Economic Development Department
P.O. Box 839966, San Antonio, TX 78283
Carmelina Davis (210) 207-6529
Fax (210) 207-8151
www.saftz.com 80A Bausch & Lomb
80B Colin Medical Instruments
80C Friedrich Air Conditioning
80D R. G. Barry San Antonio
FTZ No. 84 Harris County
Grantee: Port of Houston Authority
111 East Loop North
Houston, TX 77029
Jack Beasley (713) 670-2604
Fax (713) 670-2564 84C DuPont
84E Gulf Coast Maritime
84F Valero Refining
84H Shaffer, Inc.
84I Tuboscope Vetco Int'l
84J Shell Oil Co.
84K Dril-Quip
84L Tadiran Microwave Networks
84M Hydril USA Manufacturing LLC
84N Pasadena Refining System, Inc.
84O EXXON Mobil
84P Houston Refining LP
84Q Equistar Chemicals
84R Michelin North America, Inc.
84S Academy Sports & Outdoors Houston
FTZ No. 94 Laredo
Grantee: City of Laredo
Operator: Laredo International Airport
Operator of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 94
5210 Bob Bullock Loop, Laredo, TX 78041
Humberto Garza (956) 795-2000
Fax (956) 795-2572 Laredo
FTZ No. 95 Starr County
Grantee/Operator: Starr County Industrial Foundation
P.O. Box 502, Rio Grande City, TX 78582
Rose Benavidez (956) 487-2709
Fax (956) 716-8560 Rio Grande City
FTZ No. 96 Eagle Pass
Grantee: City of Eagle Pass
Operator: Maverick Co. Dev. Corp.
P.O. Box 3693, Eagle Pass, TX 78853
Raul E. Perez (830) 773-6166
Fax (830) 773-6287
raul.perez@eaglepassmcdc.com Eagle Pass
FTZ No. 113 Ellis County
Grantee: Ellis County Trade Zone Corporation
P.O. Box 788, Midlothian, TX 76065
L. Randall Denton (972) 723-5523
ASF Site List
Dallas/Fort Worth
FTZ No. 115 Beaumont
Grantee: Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc.
P.O. Drawer 2297, Beaumont, TX 77704
David C. Fisher (409) 835-5367
Fax (409) 835-0512 115A BASF Corporation
115B EXXON Mobil Port Arthur
FTZ No. 116 Port Arthur
Grantee: Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc.
P.O. Drawer 2297, Beaumont, TX 77704
David C. Fisher (409) 835-5367
Fax (409) 835-0512 116A Motiva Enterprises
116B Total Petrochemicals USA
116C Premcor Refining Group
116D US DoE Strategic Petroleum Reserve Port Arthur
FTZ No. 117 Orange
Grantee: Foreign-Trade Zone of Southeast Texas, Inc.
P.O. Drawer 2297, Beaumont, TX 77704
David C. Fisher (409) 835-5367
Fax (409) 835-0512 Port Arthur
FTZ No. 122 Corpus Christi
Grantee/Operator: Port of Corpus Christi Authority
1305 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Sonya Lopez-Sosa (361) 885-6187
Fax (361) 881-5162
www.portofcorpuschristi.com/ftzdefined.htm 122C BTB Refining, LLC
122D Gulf Marine Fabricators
122E Bay Ltd.
122H TOR Minerals Intl
122I Citgo Refining & Chemicals
122J Valero Refining Co.
122K Sherwin Alumina, LLC
122L Flint Hills Resources LP
122M Valero Three Rivers Refinery
122N Equistar Chemicals
122O International Resistive Company
122P Kiewit Offshore Services
122Q Baker Hughes, Inc.
122R Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. Corpus Christi
FTZ No. 149 Freeport
Grantee: Port Freeport
200 W. 2nd St., Suite 301, Freeport, TX 77541
Phyllis Saathoff (979) 233-2667 x4258
Fax (979) 233-5625
www.portfreeport.com 149A BASF
149B DSM Nutritional Products, Inc.
149C ConocoPhillips
149D Seaway Crude Pipeline
149E BP Products North America
149F Equistar Chemicals
149G Dow Chemical Freeport
FTZ No. 150 El Paso
Grantee: Westport Economic Development Corporation
1865 Northwestern Dr., El Paso, TX 79912
Brent Harris (915) 877-4300 El Paso
FTZ No. 155 Calhoun/Victoria Counties
Grantee: Calhoun-Victoria Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
P.O. Drawer 397, Point Comfort, TX 77978
Charles Hausmann (361) 987-2813
Fax (361) 987-2189 155C Alcoa Port Lavaca-Point Comfort
FTZ No. 156 Weslaco
Grantee: City of Weslaco
255 S. Kansas Ave., Weslaco, TX 78596
Bernard Rodriguez (956) 968-3181
Fax (956) 968-6672 Progreso
FTZ No. 165 Midland
Grantee: City of Midland
c/o Midland International Airport
9506 Laforce Blvd., P.O. Box 60305, Midland, TX 79711
Tommy Martin (432) 560-2200
Fax (432) 560-2237 165A WRB Refining LLC Midland
FTZ No. 168 Dallas/Fort Worth
Grantee: Metroplex International Trade
Development Corporation
Operator: Foreign Trade Zone Operating Co. of Texas
P.O. Box 742916, Dallas, TX 75374-2916
(Ms.) Lou Thomas (972) 915-0083
Fax (972) 929-7228 168A B&F Systems
168B Ultrak Dallas/Fort Worth
FTZ No. 171 Liberty County
Grantee: Liberty County Economic Development Corp. Foreign-Trade Zone 171
P.O. Box 857, Liberty, TX 77575
John Hebert (936) 336-7311
Fax (936) 336-9285 Houston
FTZ No. 183 Austin
Grantee: Foreign Trade Zone of Central Texas, Inc.
City of Round Rock
301 W. Bagdad Ave. #210
Round Rock, TX 78664-5835
Joe Vining (512) 255-5805
Fax (512) 218-3286 183A Dell Computer Corporation
183B Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC Austin
FTZ No. 196 Fort Worth
Grantee: Alliance Corridor, Inc.
c/o Hillwood Development Corp.
13600 Heritage Pkwy., Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76177
Steve Boecking (817) 224-6050
Fax (817) 224-6060
ASF Site List
Dallas/Fort Worth
FTZ No. 199 Texas City
Grantee: Texas City Foreign-Trade Zone Corp.
P.O. Box 2608, Texas City, TX 77592
Nicholas Finan (409) 643-5927
Fax (409) 942-1073 199A BP Products North America
199B Marathon Petroleum Company LP
199C Valero Refining
199D Seaway Crude Pipeline Co.
199E ISP Technologies Houston
FTZ No. 234 Gregg County
Grantee: Gregg County, Texas
269 Terminal Circle, Longview, TX 75603
Rick Davis (903) 643-3031
Fax (903) 643-7371
ASF Site List
234A Eubank Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc.
234B Letourneau, Inc. Shreveport-Bossier City
FTZ No. 246 Waco
Grantee: City of Waco, Texas
c/o Economic Development Division
Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1220, Waco, TX 76703
Kris Collins (254) 752-6551
Fax (254) 752-6618
kcollins@wacochamber.com Dallas/Fort Worth
FTZ No. 252 Amarillo
Grantee: City of Amarillo
c/o Amarillo Economic Development Corp.
801 S. Fillmore St., Suite 205
Amarillo, TX 79101
Alan Taylor (806) 379-6411
Fax (806) 371-0112 Amarillo
FTZ No. 258 Bowie County
Grantee: Red River Redevelopment Authority
107 Chapel Lane, New Boston, TX 75570
Randy Mansfield (903) 223-9841
Fax (903) 223-8742
www.rrcp.org Shreveport-Bossier County
FTZ No. 260 Lubbock
Grantee: City of Lubbock
1500 Broadway, 6th Floor
Lubbock, TX 79401
Warren Warner (806) 723-8234
Fax (806) 749-4501
ASF Site List
FTZ No. 265 Conroe (Montgomery County)
Grantee: City of Conroe
P.O. Box 3066, Conroe, TX 77305
Paul Virgadamo (936) 539-4431 265A WLS Drilling Products, Inc.
265B Sondex, L.P.
265C Materials Science Technology, Inc. Houston
FTZ No. 269 Athens
Grantee: Athens Economic Development Corporation
100 W. Tyler St., Athens, TX 75751
Brian J. Malone (903) 675-4617
Fax (903) 675-4830
www.athensedc.com Dallas/Fort Worth
FTZ No. 30 Salt Lake City
Grantee: Salt Lake City Corporation
451 South State St., Room 404
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Mike Akerlow (801) 535-7941 Salt Lake City
FTZ No. 55 Burlington
Grantee/Operator: Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation
60 Main Street, Suite 101, P.O. Box 786
Burlington, VT 05402-0786
Frank Cioffi (802) 862-5726 x12
Fax (802) 860-1899 55A Pedigree
55B PBM Nutritionals, LLC Burlington International Airport
FTZ No. 268 Brattleboro
Grantee: Brattleboro Foreign-Trade Zone LLC, Vermont
8 University Way, Brattleboro, VT 05301
Joe Famolare (802) 257-4755
FTZ No. 20 Suffolk
Grantee: Virginia Port Authority
600 World Trade Center, Norfolk, VA 23510
Kevin D. Burwell (757) 683-2120
Fax (757) 683-8500 20B Newport News Shipbuilding
20C Western Refining Yorktown, Inc.
20D Canon Virginia
20E STIHL Incorporated Norfolk-Newport News
FTZ No. 137 Washington Dulles International Airport
Grantee: Washington Dulles Foreign-Trade Zone
44701 Propeller Court, Suite 100
Dulles, VA 20166
Anita Kayser (703) 572-8714
Fax (703) 572-8418 Washington-Dulles
FTZ No. 185 Culpeper County
Grantee: County of Culpeper
302 N. Main St., Culpeper, VA 22701
Frank Bossio (570) 727-3427
fbossio@culpepercounty.gov 185C Merck Front Royal
FTZ No. 207 Richmond
Grantee: Capital Region Airport Commission
1 Richard W. Byrd Terminal Drive
Richmond International Airport, VA 23250
Russell L. Peaden (804) 226-8520
Fax (804) 625-2610 207B Hewlett-Packard Company
207C A. Wimpfheimer & Bro., Inc. Richmond-Petersburg
FTZ No. 238 Dublin
Grantee: New River Valley Economic Development Alliance, Inc.
6226 University Park Dr., Suite 2200, Radford, VA 24141
Aric Bopp (540) 267-0007
Fax (540) 267-0013 238A VF Corp. New River Valley Airport
FTZ No. 5 Seattle
Grantee/Operator: Port of Seattle Commission
P.O. Box 1209, Seattle, WA 98111
Sean Sullivan (206) 728-3569
Fax (206) 728-3280
ASF Site List
Puget Sound
FTZ No. 85 Everett
Grantee: Port of Everett
P.O. Box 538, Everett, WA 98206
Mimi Dillman (800) 729-7678 or (425) 259-3164
Fax (425) 339-6125
mimid@portofeverett.com Puget Sound
FTZ No. 86 Tacoma
Grantee: Port of Tacoma
One Sitcom Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98421
Janice Oldenburg (253) 593-4550
Fax (253) 428-8643
joldenburg@portoftacoma.com 86A Tacoma Boatbuilding
86D Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.
86E Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Puget Sound
FTZ No. 120 Cowlitz County
Grantee: Cowlitz Economic Development Council
1452 Hudson Street, P.O. Box 1278,
U.S. Bank Building, Suite 208
Longview, WA 98632
Ted Sprague (360) 423-9921
Fax (360) 423-1923 120A Shin-Etsu Handotai America, Inc. Longview
FTZ No. 128 Whatcom County
Grantee: Lummi Indian Business Council
2616 Kwina, Bellingham, WA 98226
Marc Taylor (360) 384-2395
Fax (360) 384-5521 Puget Sound
FTZ No. 129 Bellingham
Grantee: Port of Bellingham
P.O. Box 1677, Bellingham, WA 98227-1677
Dodd Snodgrass (360) 676-2500
Fax (360) 671-6411
www.portofbellingham.com 129A BP West Coast Products LLC Puget Sound
FTZ No. 130 Blaine
Grantee: Port of Bellingham
P.O. Box 1677, Bellingham, WA 98227-1677
Dodd Snodgrass (360) 676-2500
Fax (360) 671-6411
www.portofbellingham.com Blaine
FTZ No. 131 Sumas
Grantee: Port of Bellingham
P.O. Box 1677, Bellingham, WA 98227-1677
Dodd Snodgrass (360) 676-2500
Fax (360) 671-6411
www.portofbellingham.com Sumas
FTZ No. 173 Grays Harbor
Grantee: Port of Grays Harbor
P.O. Box 660, Aberdeen, WA 98520-0141
Leonard Barnes (360) 533-9515
Fax (360) 533-9505 173A Lamb-Grays Harbor Aberdeen
FTZ No. 203 Moses Lake
Grantee: Moses Lake Public Corporation
Port of Moses Lake, Grant County Airport, 7810 Andrews St. NE, Suite 200
Moses Lake, WA 98837-3204
Craig L. Baldwin (509) 762-5363
Fax (509) 762-2713 203A TK Holdings Inc.
203B REC Silicon Port of Moses Lake
FTZ No. 212 Tacoma
Grantee: Puyallup Tribal Foreign-Trade Zone Corp., 1850 Alexander Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98421
John Bell (253) 573-7871
Fax (253) 272-9514 Puget Sound
FTZ No. 216 Olympia
Grantee: Port of Olympia
915 Washington Street NE, Olympia, WA 98501
Kari Qvigstad (360) 528-8013
Fax (360) 528-8091
www.ftz216.com Puget Sound
FTZ No. 224 Spokane
Grantee: Spokane Airport Board
9000 W. Airport Dr. #204, Spokane, WA 99224-9438
Gratton O. Sealock (509) 455-6419
Fax (509) 624-6633
www.spokaneairports.net Spokane
FTZ No. 229 Charleston
Grantee: West Virginia Economic Development Authority
North Gate Business Park
160 Association Dr., Charleston, WV 25311
David Warner (304) 558-3650
Fax (304) 558-0206 229A Toyota Motor Manufacturing
229B E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Charleston
FTZ No. 240 Martinsburg
Grantee: West Virginia Economic Development Authority
North Gate Business Park
160 Association Dr., Charleston, WV 25311
David Warner (304) 558-3650
Fax (304) 558-0206 Front Royal
FTZ No. 41 Milwaukee
Grantee: Foreign Trade Zone of Wisconsin, Ltd.
P.O. Box 340046, Milwaukee, WI 53224
Vincent J. Boever (414) 571-0748 41A AMC
41C GM
41E Bay Shipbuilding
41H Mercury Marine
41I CNH America, LLC Milwaukee
FTZ No. 167 Brown County
Grantee: Brown County, Wisconsin
2561 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54304
Dean Haen (920) 492-4950
Fax (920) 492-4957 167A Robin Manufacturing
167B Polaris Industries
167D Marinette Marine Corporation Green Bay
FTZ No. 266 Dane County
Grantee: Dane County, Wisconsin
City-County Building, Room 421
210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703
Kathleen Falk (608) 266-4114
Fax (608) 266-2643 Milwaukee
FTZ No. 157 Casper
Grantee: Natrona County International Airport
8500 Airport Parkway, Casper, WY 82604-1697
Dan E. Mann (307) 472-6688 x12