Thursday, June 18, 2015

Studying scary

It is criminal for your local child protection agency to earn as much federal funding as they do for their part in smashing apart American families.

But it is evil for the mental health cottage industries within the CPS neap and flow to earn untold wealth to study the common sense effects of ripping children away from the only family they've ever known.

This is your hard earned tax money at work, folks...used to destroy countless lives, countless families, creating countless criminals and crises -- this is happening to our neighbors, our friends, 


Is there really any need for these no-shit-sherlock studies, and what the hell do we do with all their sadistic statistics?


Visit to find these and more of these insane studies.

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Complex trauma and mental health in children and adolescents placed in foster care: findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.


Many children in the child welfare system (CWS) have histories of recurrent interpersonal trauma perpetrated by caregivers early in life often referred to as complex trauma. Children in the CWS also experience a diverse range of reactions across multiple areas of functioning that are associated with such exposure. Nevertheless, few CWSs routinely screen for trauma exposure and associated symptoms beyond an initial assessment of the precipitating event. This study examines trauma histories, including complex trauma exposure (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, domestic violence), posttraumatic stress, and behavioral and emotional problems of 2,251 youth (age 0 to 21; M = 9.5, SD = 4.3) in foster care who were referred to a National Child Traumatic Stress Network site for treatment. High prevalence rates of complex trauma exposure were observed: 70.4% of the sample reported at least two of the traumas that constitute complex trauma; 11.7% of the sample reported all 5 types. Compared to youth with other types of trauma, those with complex trauma histories had significantly higher rates of internalizing problems, posttraumatic stress, and clinical diagnoses, and differed on some demographic variables. Implications for child welfare practice and future research are discussed.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

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Trauma resilience among youth in substitute care demonstrating sexual behavior problems.



The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the relationship between several proposed protective factors and trauma symptoms among highly vulnerable youth in the child welfare system.


Participants were 142 youth identified with a sexual behavior problem and their caregivers. Two waves of data were collected for each participant an average of 18 months apart. Foster parents reported on perceived level of support from the child welfare agency, youth involvement in club activities, and perception of youths' interpersonal and emotional competence. Youth provided self-reports of their sexual and physical abuse experiences, trauma symptoms at both time 1 and time 2, and ratings of parenting practices.


Youth with higher rates of sexual abuse showed more negative affect and higher levels of sexual and non-sexual rumination at time 2, controlling for time 1 scores. Boys and youth who experienced better parenting practices displayed lower negative affect. Youth with higher levels of emotional and interpersonal competence showed lower levels of non-sexual rumination. Moderation analyses revealed that youth with more significant sexual abuse histories whose foster parents did not feel supported by their child welfare caseworkers had higher levels of sexually ruminative thoughts. Finally, the results revealed that only youth without sexual abuse histories experienced the benefits of club involvement in terms of lower sexual rumination scores.


This study demonstrated that youth with significant vulnerabilities can still exhibit a degree of protection from trauma symptomatology in the prese

Behavior problems and mental health contacts in adopted, foster, and nonadopted children.


The implications of adoption for the emotional and behavioral adjustment of children have been an issue in child welfare for many years. Past research has suggested that adopted children are over-represented in mental health settings. In addition, some studies have suggested that adopted and nonadopted children differ on measures of social, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive functioning. The current study used data from a large, representative sample in the United States to examine whether adopted children are more likely to have had mental health contacts or emotional or behavioral problems than nonadopted children. Age of placement in the adoptive home was examined as a variable contributing to the adjustment of adopted children. Results suggest that adopted and foster children are more likely to have mental health contacts than nonadopted children. Results are mixed regarding whether adopted and foster children have more behavior problems than nonadopted children. However, significant differences between adopted, foster, and nonadopted children disappeared when a small group of influential cases were removed. This suggests that the differences seen between the groups reflect a small number of cases and are not representative of the groups of adoptees and foster children as a whole. The vast majority of adopted children showed patterns of behavior problems similar to those of nonadopted children. These results are discussed in relation to the past literature and areas for future research.
nce of a wide range of personal and social variables. These findings support the efforts of stakeholders to promote strengths at the level of the individual, family, and broader social
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